"What's in the Bag EDU?" (Episode 3: Amber Hinkel, @Hinkels_Hangout)

Welcome to the third episode of
“What’s in the Bag EDU?”

We’re putting an EDU spin on the series originally by Amoeba Records! In “What’s in the Bag EDU,” educators share tools that they’re using in their classrooms. When possible, we’ll provide links to purchase the items discussed, just below the videos.

Today, we welcome Amber Hinkel, or @Hinkels_Hangout, from Naples, FL!

Profile Pic.jpg

Amber is a K-5 Technology teacher who is an absolute #MustFollow on social media. Check out the tools that she’s using in her classroom below!

Item #1:

Children’s book, She Persisted, By Chelsea Clinton. I love to read this during Hour Of Code as we are constantly reminding students that perseverance is needed. To purchase, click here (please note: this is an affiliate link).

Item #2:

Cordless COB Light Switch, Students use these battery operated lights when recording to signal to classmates to work quietly when in their area. This item was found on Amazon here (please note: this is an affiliate link).

Item #3:

Portable Charger, I have some older iPads that have a hard time holding a charge for the time that they are needed to be in use, and supplies are limited so I have a few portable chargers so that students can continue to use the device without being tethered to the wall. You can find lots of different options on Amazon, but here is an example! (please note: this is an affiliate link).

Item #4:

Bluetooth Microphone, I like to have a bluetooth microphone so students can venture further away from their device and have more mobility while recording.  There are many options available on Amazon, but be sure to check the specifications to see if the product will work with your device. Here’s an example of one that works with an iPhone X!

Item #5:

Wired Lapel Microphone. I purchase the wired lapel mics because they are way more affordable and perfect for quick Flipgrid recordings and similar assignments. Again, there are lots of options on Amazon, but you can find a similar product here. (please note: this is an affiliate link).

Item #6:

RocketBook, reusable notebook, using the app you can upload your handwritten notes to a destination of your choice such as Onenote, OneDrive, Dropbox, e-mail, basically anywhere you would like to digitally store files. To purchase, click here. (please note: this is an affiliate link).

Purchase Links:

Here’s where you can find direct links to purchase the items that Andy mentioned. Please note: these are affiliate links. If you have any questions, please reach out to Andy on Twitter at: @MrCoachK15!